Monday, February 12, 2007


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The International Space Station lost power for a few hours on Sunday. Officials said that the batteries became drained after the crew got obsessed with trying to get their Nintendo Wii to work in zero-gravity.

The Israeli Defense Ministry announced Monday that had it had tested that country's state-of-the-art anti-missile system. "The test was a complete success," said the official. "President Bush picked up on the first ring."

Two teenagers in Ohio are in hot water after they used their school's computer system to announce a fake snow day. The two girls were hauled into Butler County Juvenile court and given $500,000 least that's what the court's computer says.

Last week, President Bush issued new orders for how federal personnel should respond to a nuclear, biological or chemical attack. "The guidelines are simple," Bush said. "Do the opposite of whatever Michael Brown tells you to do."

A town deep in the Swiss alps is considering putting up a giant mirror to reflect the sun's rays for the three months out of the year when the town receives no sunlight. The town's mayor denies he has any intention of turning it into "my own personal Death Ray."

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