Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday

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Archeologists in Ventura, CA, have discovered a pair of 130-year-old outhouses. They’re calling it a treasure-trove. So far they’ve unearthed a pistol, a knife, whiskey flasks, two dog skulls, and a set of false teeth. All I can say is, if that’s “treasure,” you guys would make really bad pirates.

Of course, we are talking about California. “Kids, look—according to this plaque, this McDonald’s has been here since 1963.”

My Mom loves to read plaques. That’s why she likes Europe so much—the plaques are more entertaining. You know what Europeans call a 130-year-old outhouse? “The outhouse.”

The archeologists say that the deeper they dig, the worse it smells. And the worst part is, they have to use those little trowels. They have get right down in it, that’s the Archeologist’s Code.

I can imagine one of them saying to the other, “Think the Holy Grail’s buried down here?”
“I said, ‘Do you think the Holy Grail’s down here?’”
“Then I’m breaking out the freakin’ dynamite.”

4 comments For This Post I'd Love to Hear Yours!


Hey cool newsbreaks how much time do you spend on these each day?
Loved Blarnia btw.

Michael says:

Well, Henry, there's a lot of steps--writing, then recording (and re-recording), then finding illustrations, then putting them all together. On a good day, it's two hours. On a bad one, four.

So I'm glad you like 'em, and Blarnia, too!

Sam Winn says:

Amazing as usual Mr. G! New book soon?

Michael says:

Well, let's see, Sam--there are two finished books sitting with my agents, waiting to be bought; one's a parody, the other's a YA novel. Then I'm also working on a memoir (not very funny so far) and tinkering with a novel about The Beatles.

I don't know what will make it out first, but as soon as something does, I'll post news here!

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