Thursday, June 21, 2007

Newsbreaks for Thursday

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Naturalists report that a lake in Southern Chile has mysteriously disappeared. “We checked it in March,” said Juan Jose Romero of Chile's National Forestry Corporation. But when Romero’s team went back in May, there was nothing there. “Then everybody started saying, ‘Juan took the lake!” “You totally did.” “I did not, shut up…Idiot.”

Chilean officials are appealing to the community, going door-to-door and asking them to report any suspicious activity, “especially by wet people.”

“We’re not interested in prosecuting,” one local resident said. “Just hurry up and give it back—I can’t pee on dry land…It’s a thing I have.”

There was nothing left at the bottom of the lake but a few chunks of ice. “At first, I was thinking, ‘Supervillain,” Romero said. Then he saw the note: “If you can’t take care of this planet, I’m going to have to take it away from you. Signed, God.’

1 comments For This Post I'd Love to Hear Yours!

rob payne says:

It turns out that the cause for the disappearance of the lake in Chile was a direct result of David Copperfield practicing one of his magic acts. Unfortunately David accidentally drowned when he mispronounced his magic spell and mistakenly said “Abbra Cadaver” rather than the famous Abbra Cadabbra. This is doubly unfortunate as New York City was trying to get there statue back from David but now may not be able to find their statue.

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