Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday

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A study out of Great Britain claims that finger-length can reliably predict a child’s future scores on the SAT. Coming soon: “Baby Einstein” brand finger-stretchers.

A joint American/Irish group of scientists have discovered that sharks can conceive and give birth without mating. “I was shocked by the findings,” said one researcher. “I remember yelling, ‘Jesus Christ!’”

Finally, a California man died yesterday after a golf cart he was driving veered out of control and plunged off a cliff. “We’re still figuring out exactly what happened,” said a police spokesman. “But one thing I can tell you is: A lot of old white guys just got religion.”

2 comments For This Post I'd Love to Hear Yours!

Mandar says:

Pls keep posting the text of your newsbreaks too...

Great stuff, dude.

When are your witing the next Barry Trotter epic?

Michael says:

Thanks, Mandar! I'm really glad you're enjoying them.

I just forgot to post the text this time.

I would love to write another Barry, as soon as I can find a publisher to do it.

Thanks again for writing!

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