Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday

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In a speech two weeks ago, Jerry Falwell said he was “at peace with death.” That’s nice. I’m at peace with his death, too.

I’m also at peace with Pat Robertson and the “God Hates Fags” guy taking the long dirt nap. I’m so at peace, I’m like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Speaking of death, the eldest child of Martin Luther King, Yolanda King, died last night at the age of 51. Apparently, Ms. King was an actor—in just one generation, we went from “I Have a Dream” to “I Have an Agent.”

Finally, British researchers say that a persistent feeling that life is unfair, can increase your risk of heart attack. Which is just another way that life screws you…Suddenly I don’t feel so good…

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