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A new study says that hormones taken at the onset of menopause may have beneficial effects. But not everybody is convinced. One scientist said, “I’d question anything funded by The MILF Institute.”
Last weekend, America’s original astronauts gathered to say goodbye to one of their own, Wally Schirra. Schirra was remembered for his legendary practical jokes, which included smuggling a corned beef sandwich onto a space flight. Once, while in orbit, Schirra described Santa Claus’ sleigh to Mission Control. Of course, some gags were less successful. [Challenger]
And finally, Hollywood insiders say that socialite-slash-argument for communism Paris Hilton will become even more famous after going to jail. They also predict she’ll follow in the steps of Paul Newman and introduce a signature line of “toilet wine.”
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Newsbreaks for Wednesday
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