Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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Televangelist Jerry Falwell died this morning at the age of 73. The cause? Heart failure.

The granddaughter of Hideki Tojo is running for a seat in Japan’s Parliament. Yuko Tojo is determined to restore Japanese pride. Most people don’t expect Tojo to win, since her grandfather was associated with the Nazis. On the other hand, it hasn’t hurt him. [picture of George W. Bush]

Indian officials say that something is turning the Taj Mahal yellow. “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” said Yuko Tojo.

And finally, scientists have unearthed a fossil from one of humanity's earliest primate ancestors. Most believe that the tiny-skulled Egyptopithecus disappeared millions of years ago. Yet others claim that the die-off is still taking place, one pea-brained monkey at a time.

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