Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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A week after the massacre at Virginia Tech, students at Baghdad Technology University are expressing their sympathy and solidarity. This banner reads, “Are you accepting transfer applications?”

As far as how to heal, the Iraqi kids recommend prayer. You know the old saying: there are no atheists in lecture.

The Baghdad Tech kids know what they’re talking about. After all, their mascot is the…duck!

President Bush is defying attempts by the Congress to set a timetable for withdrawal from Iraq. In 2006, “the American people did not vote for failure,” President Bush said. No, George, that was 2004.

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Hey Mike.

Liked the newsbreaks today. I know political comedy seems a little pedestrian sometimes because there are so many big targets right now, but it's a task that needs doing.

Michael says:

Thanks, smac--always appreciate hearing from you.

It's not that political comedy is pedestrian; it's that it is really hard to do it well--to transcend the "Bush is moron/Clinton is horndog" memes that spring up and have largely taken the place of authentic commentary. So I only do it when I feel the joke has a bit of depth. Sometimes I succumb to my inner ham, but I try to keep it to a minimum.

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