Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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A childhood friend of Martin Luther King is preparing to auction off some of King’s papers. The small sheaf includes personal letters, as well as early drafts of some of King’s speeches. For example, “I Have a Dream” was originally called “Hey, Here’s a Thought.”

A new craze is sweeping Japan: Krispy Kreme. Japanese are lining up in droves to purchase the doughnuts, which are just the latest iteration in that country’s burgeoning love for American-style junk food—or, as the Japanese call it, “steroids for sumo.”

And finally, Monday marked the start of Canada's annual seal hunt, with lots of comment pro- and con. I don’t usually air my personal beliefs in these jokes, but I gotta say something: seal hunting is wrong. Just because a guy hasn’t had a hit in a long time…Those scars? They’re from clubs, people!

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