Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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In a video posted online, a top insurgent leader boasted today that his al-Qaida-linked group was now making its own rockets. All I can say is: fucking Estes, man.

Less than a week after suffering a brutal car crash, New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is still in critical condition, and facing a big next step: breathing on his own. That might not seem like much to you, but not everybody can do it.

A new report says that US greenhouse gas emissions rose by less than 1% in 2005. This prompted the head of the EPA to claim that Bush Administration efforts are working. “But we have to do more,” Dave Johnson said. “The Rapture isn’t coming by itself.”

Everybody in the Administration looks like they own a Ford dealership.

A New York couple retiring to Phoenix arrived there in a novel way: by taxi. Neither Bob nor Betty Matas drive, and they wanted to spare their cats the stress of a long airplane trip. So they simply hailed a cab, and 2,500 miles later, they were there. “It was surprisingly easy,” said Bob. “After all, we’re not black.”

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