Thursday, April 12, 2007

Newsbreaks for Thursday

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Scientists have announced that they’ve been able to decode genetic material from a 68 million-year-old specimen of Tyrannosaurus rex. I don’t know about you, but the six-year-old in me just came a little.

Said Matthew T. Carrano, curator of dinosaurs at the Smithsonian, "This opens up a whole avenue of research. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m expecting a call from the Pentagon.”

A suicide bomber detonated in the cafeteria of the Iraqi parliament building today, killing at least eight people. Yet the Iraqis are taking it in stride. “We are not afraid,” one survivor told Al-Jazeera. “That happens to everybody who orders the ziti.”

And finally, Swiss megacorporation Nestle SA announced today that it is buying Gerber for an estimated $5.5 billion. It was just $5 billion, but then my wife decided to throw in Willa.

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