Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Newsbreaks for Tuesday

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I really like this one.

Audio version is here.

Today, two sniffer dogs supplied by the Motion Picture Association of America helped Malaysian police find nearly 1 million illegal DVDs. Said a Malaysian Customs official, “Given dogs’ natural behavior it’s only logical that they recognize the distinctive odor of most Hollywood movies.”

The news is mixed for the country’s troubled housing sector. On the one hand, housing starts rebounded in February, but on the other, requests for new permits were down. Said one analyst, “This means one of two things: either February was a blip, or else there are a lot of amateur houses being built.”

Prospective jurors in the trial of legendary record producer Phil Spector are being asked to fill out an extensive questionnaire designed to determine their attitudes on justice and celebrity, Here’s a sample question: "Do you think that people of wealth or fame are treated differently in the court system?"
[OJ Simpson writing] “Absolutely not.”

Scientists report that nuthatches seem to be able to understand the alarm calls of a totally different species of bird. Nuthatches can distinguish between one chickadee call which means, “look out for a flying predator,” and another for a predator that is perched. They can also recognize a third call, which means, “Psyche!”

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