Thursday, May 4, 2006

Ze Frank

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"[On] there's the joyous sense of experimentation and play, which goes against a very popular form of humor these days, which is unlimited up-scale sarcastic anger, I guess. I happen to think it's very funny. I'm a huge South Park fan, and I really enjoyed the Jackass movie. On the other hand, I think there's a real lack of humor that has a kind of sweetness, like what the Marx Brothers had, or Laurel and Hardy. There needs to be a space for that more simple, fun, light, and intelligent humor."--Web artist/humorist Ze Frank

Thanks to the magic of Stumble Upon, I discovered the website of Ze (short for Hosea) Frank. It's full of weird and wonderful stuff, including "How to Dance," which has been circulating around the web for years, and "naughtybird," a series that every cat owner will enjoy. After you're finished poking around his site, you should check out this interview with Ze, which is quite fascinating and, honestly, a bit inspiring.

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