Tuesday, November 9, 2004


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Trolling the blogosphere poking about this election fraud issue, I'm struck by a yawning--and mostly false--division. On the one side, there are the people screaming "Kerry won!" On the other, there are the people saying, "Take off the tinfoil hat and help figure out how to win in 2006."

Here's a well-reasoned and thoughtful example of the former, courtesy of Bob Harris, and here's the same as regarding the latter, from This Modern World (via Atrios). On the one hand, I doubt we'll ever get a gun that smokes profusely enough to convince one GOP partisan. (As the PIPA survey showed, rational discourse doesn't cut much ice with them. We'd need a note from God.) On the other hand, if the GOP has really rigged it in the necessary states, all the strategizing in the world won't unseat them in 2006 or '08.

Truth is, it's not an either/or choice. In fact, I'd argue that election reform--making our elections the most transparent, squeaky-cleanest in the world--should be THE unifying issue for the Democrats. The goal is something the Deaniacs and the DLC could agree on, and it's appeal extends throughout the fractious spectrum of the Left; the smaller the constituency, the more they have to gain by fair, free elections. As far as the opposition is concerned, every piece of evidence, no matter how tiny, weakens Bush II's legitimacy. Reforming our election process makes the Democrats the party of rigor, responsibility, and reform (and fits in with their rationality fetish, too)! No politician or news outlet in their right mind could oppose it, if it were Democratic-encouraged but truly non-partisan. And best of all, it finally breaks the country out of this bogus Red/Blue b.s. that's done nothing but isolate and alienate one citizen from another.

Let's emphasize the best of our traditions, democracy and fair play, not the worst, regional and racial discord. Dem-led election reform would do both, whether you believe we wuz robbed or not. It's a forward-thinking issue, not treading the Grapes of Sourness (as many would have you believe).

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