Thursday, June 12, 2003

What are your favorite magazines?

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The Chicago Tribune asked its writers this question, and here's the list they came up with. There are plenty of old warhorses, but the list is worth reading for the surprises. I can vouch for #1, Cook's Illustrated--or, rather, Kate can. And I was glad to see the British music magazines Q and Mojo get in there, too. Anybody ever read Wizard? It's a magazine about comic books that they said was really good.

And by the way--I'm filtering out most of the pre-release hype that I read for Harry Potter V, but here are a few links. This article is about some market research done by J.P. Morgan that suggests Harry will not be the savior that everybody in publishing expects him to be. There's an obvious flaw in their method, though--asking sixth and seventh graders is about the WORST group possible. HP is a broad phenomenon--seven year olds to adults--and sixth and seventh graders (in other words, 12 to 13 year olds) are just beginning to reject their childhood identities--which for many of them included HP-worship. So all-in-all, I think this article, while conventional wisdom, is probably more accurate. The short version: I think Harry's going to be huge. A harmless escape into a rich fantasy world--a story where good trumps evil--is more attractive now than ever, don't you agree?

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