Saturday, June 14, 2003

Bouton's Latest Crusade...

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In the 1960's, former Yankee pitcher Jim Bouton scandalized the baseball world with a tell-all, Ball Four. Now, he's got a new book, Foul Ball, detailing his quest to renovate an old New England ballpark. Along the way he describes how the process was derailed by greedy town fathers (who were pushing an all-new ballpark, typical tax boondoggle). He had to self-publish the book, because the New York publisher that bought it, wanted him to go easy on GE, one of the local heavies in favor of the new park.

I haven't read Foul Ball, but I suspect it would shed a lot of light on what's going wrong with baseball, and the world. (Surely the bit about publishing rings true.) I walk around thinking, "Things could be a lot better than they are; the world is full of smart, amazing people, full of great ideas...And yet the same old shit remains, generation after generation. WHY IS THIS?" Can you relate?

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