Thursday, September 26, 2002

Barry Rampant

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Barry Trotter and the Shameless Parody is getting reviewed like crazy in Britain and, from what my editor says, reviews are good. He may simply be protecting my oh-so-fragile ego, wise man. I wilt so easily.

From The Morning Star, the UK's only national daily socialist paper: "Gerber has succeeded in creating a marginally grotesque, bouncing beauty of a throwaway tome.  Down with Potter! Trotter is the real thing - and is guaranteed to wind up sycophantic followers of the Potter sect everywhere." Fight the power, buy Barry Trotter.

Another paper--serving London's equivalent of the Upper East Side--says Barry is "A big improvement on the woeful Bored of the Rings." Sorry Henry (and Doug, wherever you are). Still, I hope I do as well thirty years on.

Marxists and capitalists coming together to read silly books, it's beautiful. So we're going to a third printing. Not bad for one week on sale!

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