Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Newsbreaks for Wednesday (Roaring 20s)

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A new study says that reckless behavior normally associated with teenagers now extends into the mid-20s. You know what kind of behavior I’m talking about: binge drinking, risky sex, fighting in Iraq…

If I was still in my 20s, I’d make sure my parents got a copy of this report. Maybe two, in case the first one got vomit on it. But since I’m a little older, I immediately thought of bad roommates…In every group, there’s one guy who’s always late on the rent. The guy who makes Ramen when it’s his turn to cook. The guy with the moaning girlfriend. Well, if this study is accurate, he’s not just an a-hole, he’s a trend.

All sorts of groups have noticed the shift in behavior. For example, the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy announced it would now include mothers in their 20s and 30s. I guess the plan is, they’ll come from one side, Kevorkian’ll come from the other. In twenty years, there’ll be no one left.

I have to admit I read this story with a bit of regret. I never did any of those things in my 20s—at least I don’t think I did. Maybe I blacked out. Anyway, now I’m 38 and the fun is over. Of course, people my age also indulge in risky behavior. Like getting a mortgage.

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