Sunday, October 17, 2004

Okay, so I'm obsessive...

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So I spent the first half of the weekend cobbling together a comprehensive 1967-era version of Brian Wilson's "Smile," based on the 2004 version. That was fun. (I couldn't've done it, not in a million years, without the reference disc I got from Project Smile last year. They're a Yahoo Group of fellow Brian Wilson fans--not sure if they're defunct or not, but they collected all the best-quality tracks from a million different sources and I got the disc.) Now that I've listened to "Smile" a bazillion times, I'm getting back into "Pet Sounds." If you haven't heard it, run out and buy it immediately, and know that I envy you.

Amazing. Just amazing. Makes me want to stop writing and learn every instrument in the world, just so I can make more of this good stuff!

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