Thursday, April 22, 2004

Mike, friend to skunks

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I like skunks (and assume the feeling is mutual). After a bit of digging, I found this group, Skunk Haven, which rescues pet skunks and takes care of them--ideally until somebody adopts them. (There's also a lot of skunk info on the site.)

I have three cats, so there's no way I can take a skunk on board, but I did sponsor an excellent young skunk. His name is Ty. You can read more about Ty--and see a picture of him--here. Ty's my screen background now.

Ty's got some medical problems that make him require a lot of vet care, and I've been told that I'm the first person to sponsor him. So if you have a spare dollar or two, consider PayPalling it to Skunk Haven for Ty. His caretaker told me yesterday that he's a very special boy.

Watch for updates on Ty the Skunk!

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