Thursday, April 29, 2004

Bush has got to go, folks...

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I just watched a fascinating documentary on PBS, "The Jesus Factor." (The show's website is here.) It deals with the role that evangelical Christianity has played in the President's life.

As we all know, W. credits Jesus Christ with ending his drinking. And I'm sure we're all happy for W.--alcoholism is a terrible thing. But since September 11th, having a born-again, Biblical literalist in the White House has been a catastrophe. Bush's sense of himself as a Christian crusader has directly informed every bad decision that the Administration has made: the going it alone; the consistently inflammatory rhetoric that alienates moderate Muslilms; the refusal to change course when it's clear what we're doing is not working. He's the Don Quixote of the PTL set, and we're all his unwilling Sancho Panza.

W. should take his deep, personal faith and go lead a faith-based group. it's totally inappropriate (and frankly dangerous) for a President to represent only one group of Americans, at the expense of everybody else. The choice couldn't be clearer, folks. Sanity versus insanity, responsibility versus irresponsibility. He's got to go, and we've got to do it.

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