Tuesday, July 22, 2003

Maybe you have to be a parent...

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...to understand this article in today's Times about changing summer camps. Now some camps are allowing weekends home, liberal use of phone and email, et cetera. Kate and I don't have kids, but its seems incredibly neurotic--and missing the point of the camp entirely--to send your kid to camp, then have him/her schlep home every weekend. The only reason to spend eight weeks in a log cabin with a bunch of strangers is, I suppose, to prove to yourself that you can do something other than live as you normally do, and eventually learn to like it. Making the world into a Nerf-lined room is ridiculous and doomed. And I'll thank you not to quote this email back to me when we have kids, okay?

There's also a funny profile of Amy Sedaris' West Village apartment. From what I can tell, she lives about four blocks from my old place, down from the cutest candy store sign. Anyway, if somebody could die from benign craziness, I'd be very concerned.

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