Tuesday, July 8, 2003

I'm back!

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Kate and I have returned, after a short vacation, tanned and rested and apparently blasphemous. I particularly like the one where the idiot is trying to TACKLE Jesus. How foolish is that? Everybody knows you can't pancake the Son of God. Think about what that scene would look like, particularly if some players were Hindu or something. All those Jesuses, then a few Allahs, and Vishnus. "C'mon you guys, let us play!"

In Barry Trotter news, fan Simon Stevenson has created an excellent crest for Silverfish House. You can gawk at it here. Click on the "Trotterstuff" folder, then "Official..." It's quite impressive. Simon's also put up a bunch of the covers from Barry's increasingly multitudinous foreign editions. It's great!

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