Monday, April 28, 2003

Jack Handey Shouts and Murmurs

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It's right here. Were I editing it, I'd try a draft where the second half was about 25% shorter, and I wouldn't introduce an element of Authority at the end. It gets too grounded in reality, I think--JH's best when he's in a sort of addled twilight.

Hey, did anybody else see that Discovery Channel show on the assassination of Julius Caesar last night? It posited that JC "suicided" himself because his epilepsy was worsening (and causing loss of bowel control, etc). He knowingly antagonized the Senate until they killed him. None of it's proveable--ancient historians are more storytellers than the dry recorders that we consider historians to be--but it was interesting.

And here's an interview describing what David Foster Wallace has been up to, lately.

And here's a new Strong Bad email...

1 comments For This Post I'd Love to Hear Yours!

aaron donley says:

Hey man, I know this is an old post, but you are spot on with the jack handey "addled twilight" tag. When he's in full effect there's nothing funnier.


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