Friend Garry Goodrow sent me this poem, which I liked a lot. If you pass it along, please attribute it to him.
No thanks to Rumsfeld, Cheney, Perle,
(and Condoleeza, that oily girl,)
nor to Ashcroft and his team,
the ayatollahs of the new regime.
No thanks to William Rehnquist and his clique,
who think democracy is past its peak
and must be dumped in history’s dustbin
along with socialism, unions, sin,
and other mistakes of hoi polloi —
like fairness, honesty and joy.
No thanks to those others, what is more,
Republocrats like Lieberman and Gore,
who see elections only as a test
of which cheap slogan will serve them the best.
No thanks to our indentured press as well,
who would describe a trip to hell
in terms of the best route for drivers
if that would please their advertisers.
No thanks at last to all those folks
who can be pacified with jokes
about Saddam Hussein’s moustache
while “Christian” hustlers steal their cash.
(Come Thursday evening’s indigestion,
“Who to thank?” will be the question.)
You can email Garry, if so moved.
Tuesday, November 26, 2002
A Twisted Grace from Garry Goodrow
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