Did anyone else see that sign during ABC's telecast of the Texas/Ohio State game? Cracked me up.
For those of you unfamiliar with the phrase, be enlightened.
Saturday, September 9, 2006
"Lee Corso Has a Baby Arm"
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Posted on 9:59 PM
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Anonymous says:
it has nothing to do with a penis actually. it is an iside joke used by listeners of 1310 the Ticket in dallas. it actually is literal, like when a man has one arm that is tiny. on the ticket it is used instead of saying 'goodbye' Lee Corso got into a fight on air with one of their personalities and they have been playing pranks on him ever since.
www.bobanddan.net -
Anonymous says:
If you check out www.theticket.com, you'll find that "baby arm" is a term used by this Dallas sports radio station. They find humor in physical abnormalities, including folks with underdeveloped arms as conginital (sp?) birth defects -- hence "baby arm".
Lee Corso was on BaD (Bob and Dan) Radio one day ont the Ticket, daily noon to 3. Lee was an ass to Dan, hence he has been squarely in the crosshairs of the loyal Ticket listeners. On 9/16 there was a sign behind Lee Corso that said "I found Corby's merkin". All Ticket baby, and that's pure greatness.
babyarm -
Anonymous says:
Actually that link isn't the right "baby arm" definition. Go here and read number 5:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=baby+arm -
Anonymous says:
Mike - you should check out www.everydayshouldbesaturday.com
Very good parody about college football.
Roger -
Anonymous says:
The phrase baby arm is actually used to describe a normal sized person with a small deformed baby arm. This was coined on The Ticket. The Ticket is a Dallas, TX sports talk AM radio station. Lee Corso pissed off the mid-day show,Dan McDowell, in an interview. P1's, people that listen to the ticket as their primary radio station, have a vendeta against Lee Corso. That's the origin of the sign you saw.
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