Friday, January 28, 2005 2.0?

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Dear readers:

You may have noticed that I am posting less frequently lately. This is because I am hard at work finishing my parody of "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe," coming out this Fall. And also, polishing some comic novels that will come out starting next Spring, if not sooner. And also, preparing to run a fundraising drive for the Yale Record, and playing my guitar, and today, having a head cold.

I think it's time for this site to be more than just a weblog, and so I'm considering a total redesign with an emphasis much more on humor from my archives than not-funny-as-much-as-irritated hot-off-the-brain commentary (though I suspect I'll always do that). Along with some magazine pieces, probably 75 humor columns from 1987-1997 (some of them quite juvenile, I'm sure, because I WAS a juvenile when I wrote them), I've got whole parodies of The Wall Street Journal and The New York Review of Books that never saw the light of day. I don't know how funny they still are, but perhaps people would be interested. Good idea? Bad idea? Any opinions?

By the way, I was gratified to hear the terrorist video spoof I "broke" on this site has been downloaded 75,000+ times. Lo! Feel the power of the 'Net.

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