Tuesday, June 15, 2004

McKinney review on "Fresh Air"

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Okay, so I'm going through one of my "periods" where everything is about The Beatles. Everybody should probably just sit tight until it passes. Here's a great commentary about Devin McKinney's book Magic Circles on Fresh Air.

I don't much like celebrating birthdays--I think it's dangerous to pack too much fun into one 24-hour period, making the rest of life seem like a dull, uninviting wasteland--but Kate did her best, getting me some of the cologne I wear and a great pedometer, which I can't wait to take for a spin! As my birthday present to myself, I went crazy at Quimby's Queer Store, a great great great book and magazine store here in Chicago. I am getting to the age where its just silly that I don't have the books that I want; I bought a collection of American Splendor, and about five volumes of The Complete Crumb (by cartoonist R. Crumb). Really, really wonderful!

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