Saturday, June 12, 2004

Barry Trotter in The Sun!

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Yesterday my tiny world was rocked by a great article about Barry Trotter in The Sun. Our friend Elaine told Kate that it was next to a page full of breasts, which is only appropriate.

My friend Dave Etkin wrote this in response:

"Dear Mike,

I am compelled to inform you that I am writing a parody of your fantastically successful series of Barry Trotter books. Whereas your books are blithe pastiches, intended to draw laughter rather than serious emotion from the reader, mine will be crafted as insightful, industrious novels exploring the trials and tribulations of childhood set against the backdrop of a magical realm of fantasy and thaumaturgy which will appeal to readers

of all ages and creeds.

Whereas your hero (I will not pander to your obvious aspirations by referring to him as an 'anti-hero') is named 'Barry Trotter', my parody of your series (which I envision as comprising seven volumes) will be constructed around a protagonist whom I have christened 'Harry Potter.'

See, as in all good parodies, my characters will bear a resemblence to yours while displaying several obvious differences. This is what makes it a parody. I think that the world is ready for a serious exploration of this subject which you have pursued in a rather facile, superficial manner. I predict that my 'Harry Potter' series will meet with a success which, while not on a par with your own, will be sufficient to get me knighted by the Queen."

Dave, who exploded into my life like one of those red-dye anti-theft devices, is an honored colleague from The Yale Record. Remember that name; Dave will be famous one day. And that's when I'll spring the trap.

Another Record pal, Jon Schwarz, sent me this link, under the heading "Buffy fans are everywhere." Apparently the "Jossverse" now extends to Iraq, where it's comforting our troops...Great blog, by the way--check it out.

In closing, I would like to inform all the Cub fans in my life that the St. Louis Cardinals are in FIRST PLACE.

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