Tuesday, May 25, 2004

It's a funny old world...

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Gee, Michael Moore's still having trouble with Fahrenheit 9/11. Wonder why? You'd think that an acclaimed movie by an award-winning filmmaker certain to make money wouldn't have trouble making it out to theaters. But you'd be wrong.

The New York Times reports that the film has gotten distribution in every major market besides the US, but it seems that the negotiations between Disney and the Weinsteins are proving difficult. The Times casts it as "a rights problem," as if it were clearances or something. If you read the article, it turns out that all that's going on is that Disney is dragging its feet.

Lion's Gate, Newmarket, and others have expressed interest in distributing the movie, but the longer it takes for them to get it from Disney, the more likely it will be hampered by slap-dash distribution. I wonder if the company too chickenshit to distribute it in the first place might possibly be dragging its feet on purpose? That company with one massive themepark in Jebland, and another in Arnoldville? Impossible--after all, we have a "liberal media."

Also, I just checked out J.K. Rowling.com, which is just about the coolest author site imaginable. It made me think about how much fun it must be to be a young HP fan. One of the elements of childhood I hope I never lose is the ability to lose oneself in a world...

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