Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Excellent Ted Rall cartoon...

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...censored by MSNBC (owned, as we all know, by the defense contractor GE) should be required viewing. Take a look here.

Also: in honor of the school's 250th anniversary, the Columbia Spectator has been publishing the people it believes to be the 250 most important alumni the college has produced. Today, it runs the top ten. Without being too hard on the young folk--it is, after all, an impossible task--the Top Ten is exactly what you'd expect a bunch of college kids would compile: some unassailable Founding Fathers at the top, then Margaret Mead (good value there: female, academic, and bisexual), then a bunch of ethnically diverse media people. God, I can only imagine the bitter sectarian fights inside the Spectator building! Friendships ended, I guarantee it.

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