Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Link roundup...

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Everybody's sending me links this morning! First, there's an article by Ed Park on a new Beatles book. It strikes me as a bit wanky (the book, not Ed's review) but I am a firm believer in the more Beatle stuff, the better. I was also interested to find out that Ed, like myself, first started digging the Beatles with appropriate hardness soon after John Lennon's death.

Speaking of John Lennon, apparently Yoko Ono has found more stuff to release. This time it's a DVD. Kick me out of the Beatle club if you must, but I always find solo Lennon kind of a drag; the fact was, both he and Paul were coasting, indulging themselves. The Beatles were an extremely complex web of circumstances that broke just right--sort of a feedback arrangement where the musicians and their fans and their time were all collaborating to create something excellent. I don't think they should've stayed together, a la the Stones (shudder!), I think we got their best, but all that having been said, I think Yoko doth protest a little too much about the genius of her late husband post-1970. As of course she would, it's completely understandable and there's absolutely no harm in it.

As to the November release of the de-Spectorized "Let It Be" (sure Paul, wait 'til the guy's fighting a murder rap), wouldn't you know it, but I finally just got my hands on the Glyn Johns' no-frills early mix of the album. For the first time, I actually LIKE it. And the mono mix of Sgt. Pepper has been in my CD player for a week now.

And speaking of all things Beatley, here's a new piece by Beatlefan Mollie Wilson.

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