Sunday, August 24, 2003

Quick roundup...

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Folks, I'm working so hard on my college novel that my brain is melting, but last night I saw a wonderful, excellent movie: American Splendor, the movie of the comic of the life of Harvey Pekar. Go see it. Really. I actually clapped at the end.

Also, a week ago, I saw a movie called Little Voice, starring Jane Horrocks. You might know her as "Bubbles" from AbFab. It's a very funny, very sweet movie.

The article about Harvard's President, Larry Summers, in today's New York Times Magazine, is very interesting.

AND: I just got Al Franken's new book. Good, so far--and it's really nice to see the Media Thugs of the Right take their lumps! I've put a link to it below. Buy it, it helps pay for the blog, and will encourage publishers to take on more thugs.

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