Thursday, January 16, 2003

Toupees save lives

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My friend Antoine writes from France to say that he recently heard a story that charmed him. "Do you know what a lammergeyer is? It's a kind of Vulture, a big and very clever one. When a lammergayer finds a bone or shell that he cannot break, he takes his prey up into the air and drops it on a large rock to smash it open.

Very long ago, a starving lammergeyer decided to eat a turtle. But the turtle was having none of it, and drew herself into her shell. Our lammergeyer, very clever also, grabbed the turtle, flew into the air, and dropped it on a round stone. Which was in fact the bald skull of Aeschylus! The Greek poet died instantly."

My attitude is, we all have to die, so you might as well die an as entertaining a way as possible.

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