Monday, January 27, 2003

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There's an interesting interview with the head of The Onion's excellent A/V section. Combining serious coverage with comedy content was a new idea in 1993 when they started doing it. (And was a primary feature of the "comedy Rolling Stone" I was pitching to magazine companies in Manhattan.) But the interesting thing would be to find out whether it came about organically, ie, "we like this stuff, so let's include it" or the craven publishing reasons I had, ie, "you could sell ads like crazy in this section without worrying about advertiser blowback." For those few of you who have never edited a humor magazine, advertisers are always calling and bitching about being next to the article about infants using heroin. Anyway, what makes The Onion's A/V section great is when it spotlights things that aren't in the current cultural moment. The quickest way to kill it would be become excessively hooked in to the NY/LA media machine, timing interviews to the release of "Terminator 3"....

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