Monday, December 14, 2009

Sherlock Holmes and the Underpants of Death

My esteemed colleague in parody Chris Wood has cobbled together six short stories featuring a fascinating new character completely of his own invention named "Sherlock Holmes." Apparently this Sherlock goes around solving crimes, aided by his pal, a Doctor Watson...along the way encountering many difficulties of a digestive and execratory-type nature.

If bathroom humor's your thing--and let's be honest, would you be reading this blog if it wasn't?--you should check it out. I think Chris has really got something with this Sherlock character. He'd better be careful though--we all know how my series about a boy who goes to wizard school turned out.

UPDATE: Incredible--literally five minutes after I finished this post, I saw an ad for a movie called "Sherlock Holmes" starring Robert Downey Jr. I can understand if the character's name was "Bob Smith" or something, but really: I have a hard time believing that they came up with it independently of Chris...It's really disgusting, the lengths some people will go to make a quick buck.

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