Friday, January 12, 2007

My (Our) new book (Kampf)

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People have asked me, "What did you write before Barry Trotter?"

The answer is, "A lot."

Over the past five months, after scouring every hard drive and filing cabinet, I've collected the best of that writing--a big chunk of which was done with supragenius Jonathan Schwarz--into a book called Our Kampf. It's now available on, just follow the link. I encourage you to buy as many copies as your finances and religious beliefs allow.

Why is it called Our Kampf? Because no matter how many pieces we got into The New Yorker or on SNL, no matter how much admiration people in comedy and publishing expressed, we could never get a freakin' job. After five years of this, it became a cosmic-yet-deeply-personal struggle ("kampf" in German) against the forces of insiderdom and idiocy. That struggle continues to this day, more or less; which is why I don't get invited to many parties.

Some of the book is tethered to that time--1989 to 2004--but most of it isn't. Admit it: who wouldn't want to read a piece called "Curious George Gets Sold For Medical Experiments"? (My parents were so proud.)

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