Saturday, October 15, 2005

Thank God there's nothing IMPORTANT to report on

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This morning, the NY Times blew the lid off of beer pong and flippy cup. The Gray Lady's verdict: popular. I myself take a shot every time I see the NYT introduce yet another conservative writer to its editorial page. God knows we need more conservative voices in the mass media.

Did any of you play drinking games? Any interesting ones? I just drank, quickly and without malice. I had no time for games.

By the way, I'm watching the baseball playoffs and pulling hard for my Redbirds. They may need all the pulling I can muster. Also, I'm reading Warren Ellis' "Transmetropolitan," as well as a great book called "Old Money" by Nelson Aldrich. And working on the website for my college novel. Think you're gonna like it, folks. The humor website is still being designed--think that's gonna be pretty good, too.

See Capote. And the Murrow movie. And "Lord of War." Also, play the video game Wizard of War. "I am the wizard of warrrrr--insert your quarterrrr...."

That is all.

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