Wednesday, April 27, 2005

While you're waiting...

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...for me to get my act together re: the new site, I thought I'd post some recent emails from Trotteristas.

This one, from a demented pair in Australia (keep reading):
"Barry Trotter books rule! Though it is rather disturbing to consistantly find them in the children's section... [I agree. They should be kept in a lead-lined vault, with a sign reading, "Warning: Sex Jokes."--MG] You've done a really good job on them, congrats! So, is there going to be a Barry Trotter and the Fourth Book? Hope so! Can't wait to read it!

Inspired by you and our own success with internet parody fanfiction, we made our own Potter parody! It started off as a simple story on, but it grew into so much more when, most likely on a sugar high, we thought "hey, this would make a great role play game!" Thus, Hogwarts School of the Brave and the Ignorant (4 days without a murder!) was born! We'd be honered if you'd take a look! The URL is here.
Probably our fave bit in your books is the school volcano. I mean, what the (insert interobang here). Gotta love randomness to fix plot holes! :D
Anyways, that's all that comes to mind currently.
~M & N-N"

Thanks, you two. I hope that you are not attacked by any funnel-web spiders. I tried the link, but couldn't figure it out. Can I read it without creating an account?

And just this morning another fan writes, "i love your books however inappropriate. Barry Trotter is my favourite overall. sarcasm is my life. When and IF i grow up i want to be just like you [Oh, God, don't DO that to yourself! Please!--MG] that or a starving musician, its a hard choice...your books are an inspiration to all of us who love being synical and those who cant spell. in short i am writing to you on behalf of the literate world for writing barry trotter and breaking the chain of "potter lovers" . sir my hat is off to you,
thanks for your time and for not running away crying/screaming,

Thanks, T. I DID run away crying/screaming, but I do that all the time. My wife came in and gave me a cold compress and a hypodermic in the neck and I was fine. I suggest you go for musician. You may starve, but the groupies make up for that.

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