Friday, November 4, 2005

Jon Schwarz unearthed...

...this clip from Python Graham Chapman's memorial service in October 1989. It has a bit of swearing in it, which I think should become a permanent feature of memorial services worldwide.
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Thursday, November 3, 2005

Jon Schwarz has what I think...

...are some excellent ideas here.

But really this is just an excuse to relay a story I heard this fall from the director Tobe Hooper. Mr. Hooper said that he got the idea for leatherface not from Wisconsin serial killer Ed Gein, but from his family physician growing up. Apparently during his med school days, this freakizoid thought it would be a hoot to excise the face from a cadaver and wear it as a mask on Halloween.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2005

I'm taking a break from cleaning...

...the eggs off my door and the toilet paper out of the trees to post about two things:

1) a funny Homestar Runner.

2) The movie "New York Doll." Go see it when it comes to your town--it's very interesting, and quite touching, too. I couldn't find a super link for it, but you can Google it and find plenty more information.

Oh, great--there's a bag of dog poop on my steps...Wow, it's still flaming!
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